Rotary Club of Martha's Vineyard
About Our Club
What is Rotary?

A Rotary club is a group of local business leaders, educators & professionals who form part of Rotary International, a community service organization founded in Chicago in 1905. Rotary members provide humanitarian service and advance goodwill around the world. It is a non-political and non-religious organization open to all. There are over 35,000 member clubs worldwide, with a membership of 1.2 million individuals. Rotary International is one of two non-governmental organizations with a seat in the United Nations General Assembly.
The Rotary Club of Martha's Vineyard was chartered in April 1991. Our first president was Ray Skladzien and Bob Clermont our first vice president. Bob Clermont, remains a Rotarian to this day. There were 35 charter members who met for lunch at the Harbor View Hotel. In 1991, the Club held it's first fund raiser, a pancake breakfast at the senior center in Edgartown and has continued that event nearly every year.
Our Club has conducted a variety of fund raisers including a flea market, two visits from the Boston Ballet, golf tournaments, auctions, a Texas hold em' poker tournament,our famous 50 lb. lobster raffle, antique show, artisans' show and an island Bicycle Ride. We also have a lot of fun with our Fourth of July parade float! Our Club boast's 45 members that are eager to help with all of our projects. Based on these efforts, more than $750,000 has been given to more than 60 Island Charities. Recipients of major disbursements include the Martha's Vineyard Hospital, M.V. Hospice, Visiting Nurses., Island Health Care Prescription Access, M.V. Boys & Girls Club, M.V. Big Brothers & Sisters, Windemere Nursing and Rehab Center, Edgartown Community Suppers, Chilmark Council on Aging, Edgartown Council on Aging. Island Fuel Assistance Program, Community Services, M.V. Y.M.C.A., Sail M.V., Island Food Pantry, Meals On Wheels, Island Food Bank, Performing Arts Center, Cape Cod Ballet, The Yard, Oak Bluffs Playground Restoration, Vineyard Playhouse, M.V. Little League, M.V. Youth Hockey, M.V. Youth Basketball. Women Empowered, Edgartown School Enrichment Program, M.V Minisingers, The Farm Institute, and Dictionaries For 3rd. Grade Public Schools.
Our club also enjoys volunteering our time to Vineyard organizations that make the community a better place to live.
The Club meets Wednesdays at 12:10 pm at the Portuguese-American Club, 137 Vineyard Avenue, Oak Bluffs.